The desire and plan for a Bible-teaching, Bible-believing, local church in Catterick Garrison, the largest military garrison in Europe, began some years ago. In God’s grace, a team has now been formed to proclaim the life-changing message of the Lord Jesus Christ in the locality, and the new church launched on 10 September 2023.
Please come and join us in the centre of town on Sunday afternoons at 3:15 pm.
Pastor - Warran Fawcett
Warran is the Pastor and Team Leader at Grace Church Catterick. He left Yorkshire to spend 12 years in the RAF, in communications, before a period of cross-cultural mission in Papua New Guinea. That led on to theological training and pastoral ministry in churches in Leicester, Cambridge, and Huddersfield. Warran has also worked for FIEC and SASRA. He is married to Lee-Ellen, a nurse, and they have two daughters.
Dave Hossack - Elder
Dave is a former soldier and now works as an Evangelist for the Soldiers’ and Aviators’ Scripture Reader Association, based at the Infantry Training Centre in Catterick Garrison. Dave is married to Alison.
Andy McMahon - Elder
Andy is a retired Artillery Officer and still serves as a Battery Commander in the Army Reserves. He also works for the Soldiers’ and Aviators’ Scripture Readers Association as the Regional Manager (north). Andy is married to Pamela and they have two sons.